Official Documents
Official Documents
The Community Renewable Energy Agency is made up of government representatives from all the participating communities. Each participating community may appoint two people to sit on the Board: a primary board member, who is an elected official, and an alternate board member, who can be an elected or appointed official or a staff member. The Agency has three committees: the Communications Committee, the Program Design Committee, and the Low-Income Plan Committee.
Prospective Community Resources
On June 3rd, 2024 the Board adopted Resolution No. 24-05 authorizing a pathway for prospective parties to join the Utah Renewable Communities Agency (formally called the Community Renewable Energy Agency).
Interested parties had to deliver a completed and signed Prospective Party Application Form to the Board Secretary by July 15, 2024 to be eligible to join the URC Agency. Please find more information in the documents linked below:
Program Documents
Utility Agreement (Revised 11/30/2023)
Utah State Law and Administrative Rules
Utah Renewable Communities (also known as the Community Renewable Energy Program) is governed by Utah state law and administrative rules.
This resource guide provides an overview of the Utah Renewable Communities program (also known as the Community Renewable Energy Program (C-REP)), including key terms, program process, pre- and post-implementation voting structures, program costs, and cost sharing.
Utah Renewable Communities Program Resource Guide